Hello there! Welcome to my blog. I'm Jacky Hutchins, and I am delighted to embark on this literary adventure with you. Writing has always been an integral part of my life, starting from the moment when I was just fourteen and won my first prize—an autograph book from the 'Girl' comic!—for a short story. (We won’t count the play I’d written for family and friends several years earlier – It was dire!! )

But from then on I lusted after a typewriter, so my first purchase with my very first pay packet, was a blue Olivetti – and it proved an invaluable tool. Before diving headfirst into the world of writing, however, life took me on a different path. After leaving school I qualified as a state registered nurse at a prestigious London hospital, and later specialised in the intricate realm of Operating Theatres. From there, I joined as a nursing sister with the Queen Alexander’s Royal Army Nursing Corps, and fate led me to cross paths with my future husband, while we were both serving in Germany. Together, we followed the flag across the world, from various postings in Europe to the Far East and to America, wonderful experiences, all of them.

Throughout my writing career, I have had the pleasure of seeing several of my short stories, articles, and poems in print. And one of the defining moments in my writing journey was being shortlisted for the inaugural Catherine Cookson prize sponsored by Transworld, with my first novel, 'In Honourable Company'. Set in 18th century India during a time of intense struggle between France and England, the story delves into the complex relationship between an Irishman fighting with the French forces and a young woman whose father has served the Honourable East India Company.

One of Macdonald Futura's Editors had earlier read the MS, and invited me to meet her in London. She confessed to being in love with my hero and offered invaluable suggestions that shaped my writing journey.

Comparisons to esteemed authors Georgette Heyer and Bernard Cornwell have been made, and I gladly accept them as compliments. Rest assured, my stories are adventurous and multifaceted, catering to a broad readership. They are not 'bodice-rippers'; the heart of my narratives revolves around the male protagonist, offering a unique perspective on historical fiction.

Thank you for joining me here. I hope, together, the power of words will transport us to the enchanting realms of adventure and romance.